It’s Fall Y’all!
Is it actually Fall? When I did this fun project it was at least 90 degrees! I like to start transitioning from Summer to Fall in September. This year it has been extra hot and dry so it was tough getting that fall feeling.
We lived in Danbury, Connecticut several years ago. Fall was a big deal there! In fact, when the leaves started changing, we would take a drive to enjoy the beautiful colors, check out the pumpkin patches and, of course, pick up some fresh apple cider. Fall was magical in Connecticut. Oops, I got distracted going down memory lane.
Back to the candle making. Anyway, I like the candles I see that are in ceramic pumpkins and acorns. I’ve also been seeing several YouTube tutorials on making candles and I’ve been wanting to try it out.
Supplies from Dollar Tree
On a recent trip to dollar tree I was lucky enough to find a ceramic pumpkin with a lid and an acorn. Perfect for what I’ve been wanting to try. On this trip, I also picked up one of those tall orange unscented candles and a pumpkin scented candle. I did want scented so in addition I picked up some fall fragrance candle melts. Now that I have all my supplies it’s time for candle making.
To start, I put 2 pots of water on the stove, set the temperature for a bit over medium and put my candles in. The melting process took much longer than I expected but finally they melted. Once melted I removed the wicks and set them aside on a paper towel. I added some of the candle melts to the tall unscented candle and waited again for it to completely melt. Finally it started to melt!
Now is time to attach the wicks. I glued them into the middle of the container with super glue. I found I had to hold it down for a minute to set up well. One wick per candle was plenty since they are not large containers.
I carefully poured the melted candle wax into my containers and then took chopsticks I had from a Chinese food restaurant, positioned the wicks in the center and waited for them to harden. Once hardened I cut the wicks and voila! I have super cute candles.

Chopsticks to center the wick.
Chopsticks worked great for wick holders.
I found this project to be very satisfying and oddly relaxing. I’m anxious to do some candles for Christmas but, I might try something bigger with 3-4 wicks. I was inspired by a picture of a peppermint looking candle I saw on Pottery Barn’s site. I decorate my kitchen with gingerbread and peppermint will fit right in.
Thank you for stopping by and checking out this project. I hope you try it. So easy and fun. I went to a wedding a few years ago and the bride had collected mugs from all over and made candles for all their guests as gifts. It was wonderful and such a thoughtful gift.
I would love to know if any of you try making your own candles and if you enjoy my posts, please subscribe.
Wishing you happy crafting and lots of Sunny Days!
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