
Transforming Tables with Spray Paint

Easy and Quick Transformation Changing the look of a worn out table is so easy with a little imagination and a can of paint. Finding a piece of ugly furniture and transforming it into adorable is very satisfying. I don’t always paint furniture with spray paint but these 2 projects...

Yes, It’s that Easy! A Stencil Project!

Let’s start this paint project! We have all had these plastic outdoor tables at one time. Years ago, I bought several for an outdoor party and have kept them to use as end tables, paint stands and even flipped them to hold wood in place for the fire pit. As...
  • Finished decoupage project

How to Pretty up a Plain Container with Decoupage

  We are all using Disinfecting Wipes these Days If you are lucky enough to have found disinfectant wipes, I have a fun way to decorate the can with decoupage so you won’t mind leaving them out. First thing, find some cute napkins. I believe I found these at the...
  • Tiki torches made from bottles

Make Tiki Torches from Recycled Bottles, the Easy Way

It is another beautiful day here in Florida and I am thinking about the fun we had last night grilling and hanging outdoors until after dark. That brings me to today’s fun idea. Bottle Torches from Recycled Bottles If you save interesting bottles and have been looking for a cool...

How to Paint a Rain Barrel

Conserving Water, the Easy Way! Living in Florida, we go through drought conditions fairly often, then it rains for weeks at a time. To have a constant supply of water for our tropical plants, we decided to put in rain barrels. Plus they are just plain fun to decorate. Did...

How to Sew a Ridiculously Easy Pillow Cover!

Easy Update for Old Pillows! Just need a Splash of Color! A perfect sewing project for beginners and a way to update those tired old pillows. I’ll bet you’re noticing them even more now that you’re spending so much time at home. I don’t know about you, but I have...
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