Let’s start this paint project!
We have all had these plastic outdoor tables at one time. Years ago, I bought several for an outdoor party and have kept them to use as end tables, paint stands and even flipped them to hold wood in place for the fire pit. As time went on, they have become worn and nasty (using them as a stand for paint projects will do that) but, now I needed an end table. The table I needed to replace was wood and had rotted to the point that there was no way to repair it.
The Inspiration
Inspiration came when I noticed my favorite beach bag. I had painted this at least a year ago but, I was pretty sure I had kept the stencil I used for it.

Stencil inspiration!
First things first, we must prepare the tables. I decided I needed 3 tables, two for the fire pit area and one for the “beach”. Time to begin!
First the Clean, then the Paint!
Yes, I told you they were in bad shape and I wasn’t kidding! The first thing was to clean the tables as well as possible, using a brush to also knock off any loose paint from previous projects. This table is pretty much as clean as it was going to get. Yuck, right? Now would be the time to prime if you wanted to. It would probably last longer but I was looking at this as a temporary solution to a need and after all, the paint I was using had primer in it. If I knew how awesome these would look, I probably would have taken this extra step. Hopefully they will last a while.
I Love to Paint!
Next is the paint. Have I ever mentioned how much I love to paint? Paint can transform a once ugly, worn out object into something special, something new! I love to paint.
This paint came from Walmart, years ago. The color was great and it was on clearance for a couple of dollars a can so I bought it all. I have used this paint for hanging pots, plant stands and other miscellaneous outdoor projects. Now it’s time to use it for my table project.

My clearance paint!
Luckily, I did not have to buy anything new for this project. The tables almost went in the garbage but I pulled them out at the last minute because I used them for my paint stands in the past and I was reasonably sure they would come in handy in the future. Boy, was I right!

Beginning the project!
Time to Paint!
First thing, flip the table over and paint the legs on all sides. Using the extra nasty tables for stands, made this process easy. I have at least 2 coats of paint on each table. These were in terrible shape so I made sure they were covered well.

Now the top!
You can’t tell me that this doesn’t already look better and you might be tempted to stop here but, slow down, we aren’t done! About a can and a half of my beautiful spray paint was used to cover these 3 tables and once they are completely dry, the magic begins. Don’t you love this color?
Design Time!
Now it is time to get started with the designing. I decided to use stencils on the top to give it a pop of color and make it more fun! We all need a little fun in our lives right now!

Playing with the design!
I mentioned my inspiration. The fish bone stencil was hand cut out of a piece of card stock last year when I was working on some beach bags from Michael’s that my sister Janet, had gifted me. Luckily I had kept it. Don’t use card stock for a detailed stencil but, this was very simple and card stock worked just fine. I use brushes and the pounce method for this project but, I’m sure the little foam brushes would work just as well.
Pick a Fun Stencil!
Fish bones may not be your cup of tea but, I liked this shape and it works for our coastal theme. If something else appeals to you, find a picture you like on Google, print it on card stock and cut it out. A big sunflower would also be pretty. For something this simple, I just hold it in place as I stencil but, if you prefer you can also hold it in place with blue painters paint. Using cleaned meat trays or paper plates for a palate works great if you have them but, I didn’t have either at the time so paper towels worked just fine.

After moving my stencil around a bit and trying to space it evenly (I eyeballed it) I came up with this beauty.

Bone Fish Table!
Love it! Last step is to seal it with clear spray sealer and put it on the beach.
Here you have it, the Bone Fish table! We are in the process of redoing some of the yard so we don’t have fresh sand on the “beach” yet. We love our beach at the end of our pool, because the adults can sit and enjoy a margarita while the Grands make sand castles. Now I have a table that fits the theme. I’ll post some pictures of the yard after the clean-up and re-do.

Where’s my margarita?
Hibiscus Tables!
Yes, I did say I was making 3 tables. I had another simple stencil I had cut out of card stock and never used so I thought, why not? It’s coastal and would work for this project.

Hibiscus Stencil!
I can’t seem to grow roses here but, I have always been successful with hibiscus and I thought this would be cute for the other 2 tables.
The tops of these tables are in such terrible shape that the stencils are also helping to camouflage that.

Hibiscus Table
Two of these beauties done and I’m looking for another project. These are going between chairs by the fire pit.
I hope you got some ideas and inspiration from this post. If you like my posts, please sign up to be on my mailing list and if you try some of my ideas I would enjoy seeing your projects.
Stay safe and craft on!
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